An exercise ball, also known as a Swiss Ball, is a ball constructed of soft elastic with a diameter of approximately 35 to 85 centimeters (14 to 34 inches) and filled with air. The air pressure is changed by removing a valve stem and either filling with air or letting the ball deflate. It is most often used in physical therapy, athletic training and exercise. It can also be used for weight training. The ball, while often referred to as a Swiss ball, is also known by a number of different names, including balance ball, birth ball, body ball, ball, fitness ball, gym ball, gymnastic ball, physio ball, pilates ball, Pezzi ball, stability ball, Swedish ball, therapy ball, or yoga ball.
A primary benefit of exercising with an exercise ball as opposed to exercising directly on a hard flat surface is that the body responds to the instability of the ball to remain balanced, engaging many more muscles.[8] Those muscles become stronger over time to keep balance. Most frequently, the core body muscles — the abdominal muscles and back muscles — are the focus of exercise ball fitness programs.[9]
A major benefit of using an unstable surface is the ability to recruit more muscle units without the need to increase the total load. The greatest benefit of moving an exercise onto an unstable surface is achieving a greater activation of the core musculature, exercises such as curl-up or push-up performed on an exercise ball.[10] An unstable surface increases activation of the rectus abdominus and allows for greater activity per exercise when compared to a stable surface. Exercises such as a curl-up on an exercise ball yields a greater amount of electromyography (EMG) activity compared to exercises on a stable platform.[11] Performing standard exercises, such as a push-up, on an unstable surface can be used to increase activation of core trunk stabilizers and in turn provide increased trunk strength and greater resistance to injury.[12]
Core-strength exercises strengthen your core muscles, including your abdominal muscles, back muscles and the muscles around the pelvis. You can do many core-strength exercises with a fitness ball. In general, use a fitness ball sized so that your knees are at a right angle when you sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Do each core-strength exercise five times. As you get stronger, gradually increase to 10 to 15 repetitions. Breathe freely and deeply and focus on tightening your abs during each core-strength exercise. If you have back problems, osteoporosis or any other health concern, talk to your doctor before doing these core-strength exercises.
Exercise-ball exercises and workouts. Learn from experts using our Exercise-ball exercise database filled with detailed instructions and video.
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Ball Exercises for Abs
Ball Exercises for the Chest
Ball Exercises for Shoulders
Ball Exercises for Legs
Ball Exercises for the Back
Ball Exercises for Arms
Ball exercices Videos
Bola latihan, juga dikenal sebagai bola Swiss, adalah bola terbuat dari lembut elastis dengan diameter sekitar 35-85 cm (14-34 inci) dan diisi dengan udara. Tekanan udara berubah dengan menghapus batang katup dan baik mengisi dengan udara atau membiarkan mengempis bola. Hal ini paling sering digunakan dalam terapi fisik, pelatihan atletik dan olahraga. Hal ini juga dapat digunakan untuk latihan beban. bola, sementara sering disebut sebagai bola Swiss, juga dikenal dengan sejumlah nama yang berbeda, termasuk bola keseimbangan, bola lahir, bola tubuh, bola, bola kebugaran, olahraga bola, bola senam, bola fisio, bola pilates, Potongan bola, bola stabilitas, bola Swedia, bola terapi, atau bola yoga.
Manfaat utama dari berolahraga dengan bola latihan yang bertentangan dengan berolahraga secara langsung pada permukaan yang datar keras adalah bahwa tubuh merespon ketidakstabilan bola untuk tetap seimbang, terlibat lebih banyak otot. [8] Otot-otot menjadi lebih kuat dari waktu ke waktu untuk menjaga keseimbangan. Paling sering, otot-otot inti tubuh - otot-otot perut dan otot punggung - adalah fokus dari program kebugaran latihan bola [9].
Keuntungan utama menggunakan permukaan yang tidak stabil adalah kemampuan untuk merekrut unit otot lebih tanpa perlu meningkatkan beban total. Manfaat terbesar dari bergerak latihan ke permukaan yang tidak stabil adalah mencapai aktivasi lebih besar dari otot-otot inti, latihan seperti ikal-up atau push-up dilakukan pada bola latihan. [10] Permukaan yang tidak stabil meningkatkan aktivasi abdominus rektus dan memungkinkan untuk aktivitas yang lebih besar per latihan jika dibandingkan dengan permukaan yang stabil. Latihan seperti curl-up pada bola latihan menghasilkan sejumlah besar electromyography (EMG) aktivitas dibandingkan dengan latihan pada platform yang stabil. [11] Melakukan latihan standar, seperti push-up, pada permukaan yang tidak stabil dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan aktivasi stabilisator batang inti dan pada gilirannya memberikan peningkatan kekuatan batang dan ketahanan yang lebih besar untuk cedera. [12]
latihan inti kekuatan memperkuat otot inti Anda, termasuk otot perut, otot punggung dan otot-otot sekitar panggul. Anda dapat melakukan banyak latihan inti kekuatan dengan bola kebugaran. Secara umum, menggunakan bola kebugaran berukuran sehingga lutut Anda berada pada sudut yang tepat ketika Anda duduk di bola dengan kaki Anda rata di lantai. Apakah setiap latihan inti kekuatan lima kali. Ketika Anda mendapatkan lebih kuat, secara bertahap meningkat menjadi 10 sampai 15 pengulangan. Bernapas lega dan mendalam dan fokus pada pengetatan abs Anda selama setiap latihan inti kekuatan. Jika Anda memiliki masalah, osteoporosis atau masalah kesehatan lainnya kembali, berbicara dengan dokter Anda sebelum melakukan latihan inti-kekuatan ini.
latihan latihan-bola dan latihan. Belajar dari para ahli menggunakan basis data latihan Latihan-bola kami penuh dengan petunjuk rinci dan video.
contenant The:
Latihan bola untuk Abs
Bola Latihan untuk dada yang
Bola Latihan untuk Bahu
Bola Latihan untuk Kaki
Bola Latihan untuk Back
Bola Latihan untuk Senjata
Bola exercices Video
An exercise ball, also known as a Swiss Ball, is a ball constructed of soft elastic with a diameter of approximately 35 to 85 centimeters (14 to 34 inches) and filled with air. The air pressure is changed by removing a valve stem and either filling with air or letting the ball deflate. It is most often used in physical therapy, athletic training and exercise. It can also be used for weight training. The ball, while often referred to as a Swiss ball, is also known by a number of different names, including balance ball, birth ball, body ball, ball, fitness ball, gym ball, gymnastic ball, physio ball, pilates ball, Pezzi ball, stability ball, Swedish ball, therapy ball, or yoga ball.
A primary benefit of exercising with an exercise ball as opposed to exercising directly on a hard flat surface is that the body responds to the instability of the ball to remain balanced, engaging many more muscles.[8] Those muscles become stronger over time to keep balance. Most frequently, the core body muscles — the abdominal muscles and back muscles — are the focus of exercise ball fitness programs.[9]
A major benefit of using an unstable surface is the ability to recruit more muscle units without the need to increase the total load. The greatest benefit of moving an exercise onto an unstable surface is achieving a greater activation of the core musculature, exercises such as curl-up or push-up performed on an exercise ball.[10] An unstable surface increases activation of the rectus abdominus and allows for greater activity per exercise when compared to a stable surface. Exercises such as a curl-up on an exercise ball yields a greater amount of electromyography (EMG) activity compared to exercises on a stable platform.[11] Performing standard exercises, such as a push-up, on an unstable surface can be used to increase activation of core trunk stabilizers and in turn provide increased trunk strength and greater resistance to injury.[12]
Core-strength exercises strengthen your core muscles, including your abdominal muscles, back muscles and the muscles around the pelvis. You can do many core-strength exercises with a fitness ball. In general, use a fitness ball sized so that your knees are at a right angle when you sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Do each core-strength exercise five times. As you get stronger, gradually increase to 10 to 15 repetitions. Breathe freely and deeply and focus on tightening your abs during each core-strength exercise. If you have back problems, osteoporosis or any other health concern, talk to your doctor before doing these core-strength exercises.
Exercise-ball exercises and workouts. Learn from experts using our Exercise-ball exercise database filled with detailed instructions and video.
The contenant :
Ball Exercises for Abs
Ball Exercises for the Chest
Ball Exercises for Shoulders
Ball Exercises for Legs
Ball Exercises for the Back
Ball Exercises for Arms
Ball exercices Videos